Hawkit: The Nigerian Side Hustle App —  Earning Opportunity for Lots of People But is it For You?


In the bustling digital landscape of Nigeria, where everyone seems to be searching for the next big online money-making opportunity, Hawkit has emerged as a popular contender. But is it the golden goose many claim it to be, or just another overhyped app? I decided to dive in headfirst and experience Hawkit for myself, putting it through its paces to bring you this comprehensive, no-holds-barred review.

What is Hawkit?

Hawkit bills itself as a multi-faceted earning platform, combining elements of micro-task sites, social media boosting services, and online marketplaces. Available on both Android and iOS, it promises Nigerians a chance to earn money through various online activities and microtasks such as liking of posts, commenting and following of accounts on social media.

Getting Started: The Sign-Up Process

My journey with Hawkit began with a straightforward download from the Google Play Store though they do have a fully functional web- application. The app’s interface is clean and intuitive, clearly designed with the Nigerian user in mind. Registration was a breeze — I simply input my name, email, and phone number.

However, here’s where Hawkit throws its first curveball: the infamous verification fee. To fully activate my account and access all features, I had to pay 1,000 Naira. This gave me pause — paying to start earning? But I reminded myself that many legitimate business opportunities require some initial investment, so I bit the bullet and paid up

Note: this verification fee is just for earners, recharge card dealersand referrals as if you just want to post social media tasks, advertise or resell products, you don’t need to pay.

The Promised Land of Earnings

Once inside, Hawkit presents a smorgasbord of earning opportunities. Let’s break them down:

  1. Social Media Tasks
    Hawkit offers a variety of social media-related tasks:
    - Following accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok (3 Naira each)
    - Liking posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok (3 Naira each)
    - Commenting on posts (15 Naira each)
    - Sharing or retweeting content (10 Naira each)
    - Subscribing to YouTube channels (30 Naira each)

2. App Downloads and Reviews
- Google Play Store: 30 Naira per action
- Apple App Store: 60 Naira per action

3. WhatsApp Status Advertising
- Posting promotional content on your WhatsApp status (20 Naira per post) 

4. Referral Program
- Earn 500 Naira for each new user you bring to the platform

5. Airtime and Data Reselling
- Start your own virtual mobile recharge business within the app

6. Product Marketplace
- Sell your products and services to other Hawkit users

My Experience: The Reality of Earning on Hawkit

Excited by the possibilities, I dove into the tasks with gusto. Here’s what I found:

Social Media Tasks:
I started with the social media tasks, as they seemed the easiest. Following accounts and liking posts was indeed simple, but the earnings were minuscule. After an hour of tapping away, I had earned just 90 Naira — less than the cost of the data I’d used.

Commenting: proved more time-consuming. While the pay was higher at 15 Naira per comment, crafting unique, relevant comments for each post took considerable effort. After another hour, I’d earned an additional 225 Naira.

App Downloads and Reviews:
This seemed more promising. I downloaded a few apps and left honest reviews. The process was straightforward, but the availability of these tasks was limited. Over two days, I completed five such tasks, earning 150 Naira.

WhatsApp Status Advertising:
I was hesitant to spam my contacts with ads, but for the sake of this review, I gave it a try. I posted three ads over a week, earning 60 Naira. The downside? A few annoyed messages from friends asking why I was suddenly posting ads.

Referral Program:
This is where things got interesting. I shared my referral code on my social media profiles and in a few WhatsApp groups. Over two weeks, five friends signed up, netting me 2,500 Naira — more than I’d earned from all other tasks combined.

Airtime and Data Reselling:
I set up a virtual shop within Hawkit to resell airtime and data. The process was straightforward, but success here clearly depends on your existing network and marketing skills. In a week, I made only two sales, earning a small commission of 100 Naira though to be fair, I don’t have any prior experience when it comes to Airtime and Data Reselling.

Product Marketplace:
I listed a few small items I no longer needed. While the listing process was easy, I didn’t make any sales during my testing period. The marketplace seemed relatively quiet compared to dedicated e-commerce platforms and to top it off, the fee to advertise any item is a thousand naira(1000) per Ad and the Ad only stays for a month after which it gets put down and i will have to pay again, but I did get upto 8k(8000) views and 124 comments on my listings so maybe my pricing was not attractive enough to make a sale.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

After weeks of consistent use, here’s my honest assessment of Hawkit:

The Good:

1. Accessibility: The app is easy to use and navigate.
2. Variety of earning methods: There’s something for everyone….well almost.
3. Potential for passive income: Especially through referrals and the reselling programs.
4. Low-risk introduction to online earning: It’s a good starting point for beginners due to cost but it does require hardwork and proper strategy to earn substaistial income.

The Bad:

1. Low pay rates: Most tasks offer minimal compensation.
2. Time-intensive: Earning a significant amount requires substantial time investment.
3. Data costs: For many tasks, the data used may outweigh the earnings.
4. Inconsistent task availability: Some days there were plenty of tasks, other days hardly any.

The Ugly:

1. Withdrawal issues: I experienced delays in receiving my earnings, with customer support being slow to respond.
2. Technical glitches: The app crashed few times during my testing period.
3. Privacy concerns: The app requires access to various social media accounts, which may be a red flag for privacy-conscious users.

Is Hawkit Worth Your Time?

After my extensive testing, I can say that Hawkit is not a scam, but it’s also not the lucrative opportunity some make it out to be. It’s best suited for:

1. Students or unemployed individuals with lots of free time and low earnings expectations.
2. Those looking to dip their toes into online earning without significant risk.
3. People with large social networks who can leverage the referral program effectively.

However, if you’re looking for a substantial income source or value your time highly, Hawkit may not be the best fit.

Maximizing Your Hawkit Earnings

If you do decide to use Hawkit, here are some tips to maximize your earnings based on my experience:

1. Focus on referrals: This was by far the most lucrative aspect for me.
2. Be selective with tasks: Prioritize higher-paying tasks that don’t consume too much data.
3. Use the reselling features: If you have a knack for sales, the airtime/data reselling could be profitable.
4. Withdraw regularly: Given the technical issues I encountered, it’s wise to withdraw earnings frequently.

Interested in trying Hawkit for yourself? Sign up now.

The Bigger Picture

While Hawkit can provide some extra pocket money, it’s important to view it as just one small tool in your online earning toolkit. During my time using the app, I found myself thinking about how the skills I was developing — digital marketing, customer service, online selling — could be applied to potentially more lucrative ventures.

Consider using Hawkit as a stepping stone. Learn from the experience, but also explore other online earning opportunities that might offer better returns on your time investment.


Hawkit is a legitimate platform that offers multiple ways to earn money online. However, it’s not the get-rich-quick scheme some might have you believe. Based on my personal experience, it requires significant time and effort for relatively modest returns.

That said, for those with realistic expectations and a strategic approach, Hawkit can be a useful supplementary income source. Just remember to weigh the time and data costs against your earnings, and always prioritize your privacy and online security.

Ultimately, whether Hawkit is worth it depends on your personal circumstances and goals. If you do give it a try, approach it with clear eyes and managed expectations. And who knows? You might find it to be a useful addition to your side-hustle repertoire.

Ready to explore Hawkit for yourself? Sign up now and start your own earning journey!

Remember, in the world of online earning, knowledge is power. Stay informed, stay cautious, and never stop exploring new opportunities. Hawkit might just be the first step in your online earning adventure.

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